Documents and certificates

When you do your first application for , you have 8 working days to go to the municipal administration of your main place of residence.

The municipal administration is authorised to issue a certificate of registration (model A), which is valid for 4 months from the date of the lodging of application for international protection and is renewable for eight months at a time, unless the Immigration Office advises otherwise.

If it is a subsequent application (2nd, 3rd, etc.), an will be issued to you. This document will be extended by the Immigration Office until a decision is made by the CGRS.

If your application is declared admissible by the CGRS, the municipal administration may, without prior instruction from the Immigration Office, issue a certificate of registration that is valid for 4 months from the date of issue. The certificate of registration will be extended until a final decision is made on your application.

Your application must be sent by e-mail to the Administration Unit of the International Protection department (see below).

Following an individual examination of your current procedure, you will receive an e-mail with the reasons why an extension has been granted or refused.

If it is granted, a certificate will be attached to the e-mail. You must print this document and attach it to your . This certificate will extend the validity of your annex 26quinquies.

It is important to know that this certificate is of no value if it is not linked to annex 26quinquies.


NL: asiel.administratie [at]

FR: asile.administration [at]

You must go to the police to report the loss of your annex. This declaration of loss must be sent by e-mail to the Administration Unit of the International Protection department (see contact details below). Your application will be examined and, if you meet the conditions, a duplicate of / will be sent to the municipal administration of your main residence. The municipality will contact you to issue you with the document.


NL: asiel.administratie [at]

FR: asile.administration [at]

If you have submitted your identity documents to the Immigration Office (IO) or the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons in the context of an application for international protection and you wish to retrieve these documents, you need to follow the procedure below:

- You must make an appointment by e-mail, in one of the three national languages or in English, at cid.teruggavedocumenten [at], requesting that these documents be returned (possibly also for your family members);

- This e-mail should clearly state the reasons why you are requesting that these documents be returned. It must be accompanied by the necessary supporting documents.

- Please note: If you have been granted protection status, you must request the documents directly from the CGRS; please send your request to Cgra-cgvs.IDdoc [at] The documents will then be returned by this service by appointment (except for national passports if it is for recognition of refugee status).

- Documents will NOT be returned without good reason. You will be informed in writing.

You will receive an invitation from the IO with the exact time you can collect the documents. It is pointless going to the IO until you have received this invitation.

Every adult must attend in person and sign a receipt. The documents of accompanied minors will be given to the parents. In the case of the documents of an unaccompanied minor, the latter can retrieve these documents with his or her guardian, or the guardian can retrieve these documents alone. Please always bring a copy of your invitation.