A scholarship is a grant to study or conduct research work issued in whole or in part by or on behalf of a government or an institution listed in Article 1/1 of the Royal Decree of 08.10.1981, i.e.:
- The Belgian State, by or pursuant to the law of 19.03.2013 on Belgian Development Cooperation, or the institutions under Belgian law financed by the Belgian State under Article 27, § 5, of this law of 19.03.2013 or under Article 5, § 2, 5°, of the law of 21.12.1998 establishing the Belgian Technical Cooperation in the form of a company under public law;
- The communities, regions, provinces and municipalities;
- Higher education institutions, organised, recognised or subsidised under federal or community law (universities, academies, colleges, higher institutes, etc.);
- The international organisations of public law of which Belgium is a member (European Union, etc.);
- Foundations of public utility recognised by royal decree.
Proof that a scholarship has actually been granted by a government or an institution designated by article 1/1 of the Royal Decree of 08.10.1981 is provided by the standard form issued by this government or institution or by a certificate issued by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation).
Who is it for?
- Students enrolled at a state-organised, recognised or subsidised institution of higher education, as well as students enrolled at other types of institutions;
- Researchers who have signed a hosting agreement with an approved Belgian institution;
- Students wishing to study in Belgium after having obtained long-term resident status in another member state of the European Union;
- Researchers wishing to conduct research in Belgium after having obtained long-term resident status in another member state of the European Union.