After the CGRS or the CALL grants refugee status, the person concerned receives a refugee certificate. The person concerned must then apply to the municipality of their main residence to amend the national register on the basis of this certificate and issue them with an A card (limited stay) valid for 5 years.
After a period of 5 years from the lodging of the application for international protection which gave rise to the granting of refugee status, the recognised refugee is in principle admitted to stay for an unlimited period. For this purpose, an application for a B card (unlimited stay) must be submitted to the municipality of the main residence. The issuance of a B card always requires prior instruction from the Immigration Office.
If the CGRS or the CALL grants subsidiary protection status, the person concerned must present the decision of the CGRS or the CALL to the Immigration Service of the municipality of their main residence. The municipality will then issue an A card (limited stay) upon presentation of this decision. This card, valid for one year, can be extended twice by the municipality for two years each time, without prior instruction from the IO. The application to extend the A card must be submitted to the municipality of the main residence 30 to 45 days before the end of the validity period of the card.
After a period of 5 years from the lodging of the application for international protection which gave rise to the granting of subsidiary protection status, the beneficiary of this status is, in principle, admitted to stay for an unlimited period. For this purpose, an application for a B card (unlimited stay) must be submitted to the municipality of the main residence. The issuance of a B card always requires prior instruction from the Immigration Office.
Your child was not born in Belgium:
You must go , together with your child to the Immigration Office (Pachecolaan 44, 1000 Brussels – Cube) to lodge an application for international protection on behalf of the child. It is important to bring all the documents you have concerning the child and your status.
Your child was born in Belgium:
You must register the birth with the municipal administration. The administration will register the child in the national register. The child receives right of residence based on a family reunification with you.
If you want the child to be granted refugee status, you need to apply for international protection. PLEASE NOTE: this procedure is done by appointment with the Administration Unit. Appointments can be made by telephone or e-mail (see below).
Bear in mind that:
- If both parents have refugee status, the application must be submitted directly to the CGRS.
- If the mother has refugee status and the birth certificate does not mention a father, the application must also be submitted directly to the CGRS.
NL: asiel.administratie [at]">asiel.administratie [at]
Tel: 02/488.90.71
FR: asile.administration [at] (
Tel: 02/488.90.73
As a beneficiary of international protection status, you are allowed to travel, provided you have the necessary identity and/or travel documents (depending on the country you wish to visit). Please note: a trip to your country of origin may have consequences for your international protection status. A return to the country you fled may be an indication that you do not or no longer need international protection. As a result, your international protection status may be withdrawn or annulled.
If you intend to return to your country of origin during your limited stay, you are legally obliged to report this to the municipal administration of your main residence.