The priority granted by Belgium to the processing of visa applications of victims of the earthquake in Turkey [régions de Kahramanmaras, Gaziantep, Hatay, Adana, Malatya, Diyarbakir, Sanliurfa, Adiyaman, Kilis, Osmaniye] and Syria [régions de Idlib, Alep, Lattaquié, Hama, Tartous] will end on May 1, 2023.
However, this priority is maintained for visa applications submitted before May 1, 2023, as well as for applications that will be submitted during an appointment granted before May 1, 2023 by VFS Global (Turkey) or TLS Contact (Lebanon). These applications will continue to be processed "as quickly as possible" by the Belgian representations in Istanbul and Beirut and by the Immigration Office.
ATTENTION: The current procedures remain fully applicable. The supporting documents to be submitted with a visa application are detailed on the website of the Immigration Office and on the websites of VFS Global and TLS Contact.