A - dependents form (formal obligation). You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Temporary document certifying registration. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Decision refusing residence accompanied by an order to leave the territory. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - certificate of registration in the register of foreign nationals or the population register. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Certificate of receipt of an application for admission to a residence permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation >Legislation. - Decision not to take into account of an application for admission to a residence permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Departure certificate. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Application for a residence card as a family member of a European Union citizen or for a foreign identity card as a family member of a Swiss national. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation >Legislation. - Permanent residence request. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Document certifying the introduction of an international protection request on the territory. This document is not a proof of identity or nationality. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Document certifying the introduction of a subsequent international protection request on the territory. This document is not a proof of identity or nationality. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - inadmissibility decision. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Certificate of receipt of an application for a residence permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - special residence document (for a temporary stay). You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Decision not to take into account. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Decision not to take into account. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Decision to grant a single permit/decision to grant an EU blue card/decision to grant a long stay permit or a visa for seasonal worker. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Certification granting a single permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Refusal of stay. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - certificate issued by the local authority temporarily covering the foreign national's stay. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - A certificate of application for renewal of a residence permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Temporary residence permit. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Decision ending the stay. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Permit for a person subject to a temporary intra-corporate transfer. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - Short-term mobility certificate. You can find the annexes on our website (they are only available in French or Dutch). Go to the following section: Documentation>Legislation. - procedure for obtaining a new examination of a judicial decision. B - A biometric passport is equipped with an electronic chip containing biometric information (photo and fingerprints) that can be used to authenticate the passport holder's identity. - any public official assigned, in accordance with national law, to a border crossing point or along the border or the immediate vicinity of that border who carries out, in accordance with national law, border control tasks. C - Certificate of registration in the register of foreign nationals - temporary residence. - Certificate of entry in the register of foreign nationals - permanent residence. - Charge on the part of the government, against which the government provides a concrete performance. - Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein D D - The Immigration Office determines which EU Member State (with the exception of Denmark, but including Iceland and Norway) is responsible for treating an application for international protection. This is based on the Dublin III Regulation. E - giving the power to proceed with compulsory execution. - an entry ban can go with an expulsion decision. During a specific period, it forbids both the entry and the stay on the Belgian territory and the other EU member states. - to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc. - External borders are the Schengen States land borders, including river and lake borders, sea borders and their airports, river ports, sea ports and lake ports, provided that they are not internal borders. F - federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers. - anyone who does not provide proof of Belgian nationality. - Every European Union (EU) citizen has the right to enter and stay freely for three months in the territory of a Union country other than that of which they are a national.When we refer to an EU citizen, we are acknowledging the nationals of the Member States of the European Union and countries associated with the European Union (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland). Family members of EU citizens have the same rights as the citizen, whether they are EU citizens or nationals of a third country. The only obligation that may be imposed on third-country nationals who are family members of an EU citizen is an entry visa for the Schengen territory, regardless of the intended duration of stay (short or long stay). - A "free student" is a student enrolled in one or more teaching units, apart from regular enrolment in a complete programme. They are allowed to attend classes and sit examinations. No diploma or certificate is issued, but the free student receives a certificate of results. G G H H I - the presence on the Belgian territory of a foreigner who does not fulfil the conditions for access or stay in Belgium. (or irregular s.) - A person who flees his country due to a fear of persecution or a risk of serious harm, can obtain international protections within anoter country's borders. The person must ask for asylum in this other country. - The International Organization for Migration J - It is an act validated by the judicial authority in certain countries (Morocco, Algeria, etc.), through which a person commits to taking in a minor child. It involves the caregiver ensuring the protection of the minor child and providing for their maintenance and education needs. Kafala has different effects than adoption. It does not establish any legal parent-child relationship. The minor child taken in maintains filial ties with their parents or family. They do not acquire inheritance rights over the caregiver's property, and the protection ceases upon coming of age. It is akin to a simple transfer of parental authority. K K L L - In Belgium, registered partnership refers to the declaration of legal cohabitation made before a civil registrar (see Articles 1475 et seq. of the Civil Code). - A long stay in the Schengen Area is longer than 90 days. M M - marriage concluded between a national of a Member State (MS) or a third-country national legally resident in a MS and a third-country national with the sole aim of circumventing the rules on entry and residence of third-country nationals and obtaining for the third-country national a residence permit or authority to reside in a MS. N N O - As a general rule, an order to leave the territory (OLT) is issued to foreign nationals whose application for residence has been rejected. In addition, this order is also issued to foreign nationals : who are found to have expired the period during which they are authorised to reside in the country and who are, therefore, living illegally. who are found to have resided in the Kingdom without the required residence documents and/or means of subsistence. If the person concerned has already received an OLT, they will not receive a new one, but the OLT already issued will be confirmed. P P - In Belgium, legal aid (formerly known as "pro bono") allows litigants with modest incomes to enjoy the same rights as any other individual before the court. Depending on the case, legal aid is either entirely or partially free. Q Q R - Return and Emigration of Asylum Seekers Ex-Belgium is a programme helping foreigners voluntarily return to their country of origin and reintegrate. A REAB partner is an organisation capable of compiling files for the return, guaranteeing foreign national access to the return programme. - Action of sending a person back to the border or denying entry to the territory of a country. It can be done for various reasons, including issues related to immigration, national security, or other reasons stipulated by legislation. - the decision that establishes the illegality of a foreign national's residence and imposes an obligation to return. S - twenty-nine member states are part of the Schengen area: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia and Slovakia. - A short stay in the Schengen Area cannot exceed 90 days within each 180-day period. - Since 03/01/2019, any citizen from a non-European country who wants to stay and work more than 90 days in Belgium must be a single permit holder. The employer must apply to the competent Region (=the worker’s principal place of work). The Immigration Office and the Region handle the request together and make a decision. If the request is approved, the worker will receive a document allowing him to stay more than 90 days in Belgium for work. - having enough money to pay all the money that is owed to other people - a person who agrees to be officially responsible for another person - A stateless person is a person who is not considered a national by any State – according to the nationality law of that state. This person may have a country of habitual residence but may not necessarily have the same rights as a person with that country's nationality. T - the Minister responsible for access to the territory, residence, settlement and removal of foreign nationals. - Third countries > singular : Country or territory outside the European Union, as well as a country or territory whose citizens do not enjoy the right to free movement within the EU, as defined by Article 2(5) of the Schengen Borders Code. - it refers to any disease with epidemic potential as defined by the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organisation and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases if they are subject of protection provisions applying to nationals of the Member States. U - a national of a country that is not a member of the European Economic Area. This person is under 18 years of age and is not accompanied by a person exercising parental authority or guardianship over him or her in accordance with Article 35 of the law of 16 July 2004 establishing the Code of Private International Law. This person has been definitively identified as an unaccompanied minor by the Guardianship Service of the Federal Public Service Justice. V - an authorisation issued by a Member State or a decision taken by such State which is required with a view to entry for an intended stay in that Member State or in several Member States, or for transit through the territory of that Member State or several Member States. - visa issued for a short stay (up to 90 days). - national long-stay visa (more than 90 days). - A voluntary return refers to an individual’s decision to return to their country of origin or a third country’s territory where they are allowed to stay. This decision is made independently and is sometimes facilitated by a program of assisted voluntary return organised by government authorities. W - X - Y -Z W - X - Y -Z